What’s included in the cost?

Price includes:  Intro to crate training, up to date vaccines and dewormer, vet clearance of health, two-year health guarantee, a go-home starter kit for your puppy in a tote bag,  with a notebook full of paperwork, pedigree, training materials, helpful hints, blanket & toy with moms scent/litter mates scent,  NuVet vitamins to get started on, training treats, and most importantly a lifetime breeder support. You will also be invited to a private Facebook group for the particular litter you will be receiving a puppy from.  This is where we post frequent videos, pictures, weekly headshots, and important information to help you welcome your new furry family member into your home. 

What kind of health testing do you do?

Each of our dogs have completed all their health testing as recommended by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. This testing includes Hips, Elbows, Heart, Eyes, and genetic testing. In addition, we also perform Penhipp between 4-6 months of age on all of our rising stars. 

How do I choose a puppy?

Our families will not choose their puppy until take home day.  Puppy picking is based on the order of inquiries and sex. We do not believe in picking your puppy for you, but we do the best we can in matching each family with the character traits you are seeking. We take daily notes on all puppies from birth; highly-detailed notes start once they begin developing their personalities around 5+ weeks. Each puppy will have a personality description with characters and traits and their puppy aptitude test available for review.  We can provide 8 weeks of data and notes, but sometimes the bond with a particular puppy cannot be denied.

How is payment accepted?

Payment can be accepted by Apple Pay, certified check, or Venmo. Fees associated with Venmo will be the buyer's responsibility to pay. Final payment can also be accepted via cash on the day of pick-up.